Water Softener Benefits
A water softener removes minerals from water. That means softer skin and silkier hair, fewer stains on dishes, cleaner laundry, less mineral buildup on plumbing fixtures and a lot of other benefits.
See 7 Signs You Might Need A Water Softener »
Pure Water Softeners & Filtration
Pure Water Solution’s Water Softening systems are designed to deliver better-tasting, clean drinking water while protecting your family from the various contaminants which are found in hard water, including iron, arsenic, dirt and scale.
Our quality water systems don’t just provide pure drinking water. They can improve your quality of life.
We offer a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty and a money back guarantee.
Pure Water Solution’s water softeners utilize an advanced water treatment system with cutting edge technology to deliver the highest efficiency, highest capacity and highest quality systems available today. We believe in our products so strongly that we offer a 100% money back performance guarantee! Learn more about our guarantee »
Pure Water Solution’s softeners may not be the first conditioners you have owned, but with our affordable high quality systems, which typically run for 20 to 25 years, it will likely be your last.
What Causes Hard Water?
Hard water is caused when common minerals calcium and magnesium are dissolved in the water. The dissolved minerals cause scale to form in hot water pipes, water heaters and all water-using appliances. Hard water interferes with the cleaning action of soaps and detergents, and forms a film or soap scum on skin, clothing and fixtures.
The hardness of your water hardness is measured as parts of scale per million (PPM). However, it is normally expressed in grains of hardness per gallon of water (GPG). For instance, water that is 1 – 3.5 GPG is considered “slightly hard”. 7.0 – 10.5 GPG is Hard” and 10.5 GPG & over “very hard”.
How Water Softeners Work
The most common way to soften water is the cation-exchange water softener. A synthetic resin with a strong attraction for calcium, magnesium and other positively charged metal atoms called “cations” is saturated with sodium from a salt solution. As water passes through the resin, the sodium exchanges with the calcium and magnesium. Eventually, so much hardness collects on the resin that the unit can no longer soften the water and recharging is necessary. Then, the softening material is backwashed with a brine solution to replace the sodium and enable the ion exchange process to continue.
Hard water passes through the media tank that contains resin beads coated with sodium ions. The calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium (or potassium) ions, thus softening the water. When the beads have trapped the hardness and need to be regenerated, the Hi-Flow’s control valve charges them with the brine from the brine tank.
As regeneration occurs, calcium and magnesium (hardness) ions are freed from the beads, replaced with sodium or potassium ions; and the system is ready to soften water again.
All Our Softeners Feature
- Solid state microprocessor with LED display. Time of day, remaining capacity, regeneration and cycle in process
- State of the Art electronics provide quick setup and programming
- Efficiently metered salt usage requiring significantly less softening salt than many other softening systems.
- Double backwash
- Meter (D.I.R.) or time clock initiated regeneration
- NOVRAM valve status and memory backup
- Choose from 3 modes of operation: immediate meter regeneration, delayed meter regeneration, or delayed time clock regeneration
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